F*ck Hannibal, Marry Juliet, Kill Web3

Release Date:

Should Lollipop Chainsaw be censored? Did game Game Informer? Has Elon Musk failed again? Tanya and Jonathan answer the tough questions while welcoming new guests The Clockwork Prince (developer of Lavender: https://clockworkprince.itch.io/lavender) to talk about a recent Web3 crypto fiasco and Zilla to explain her love of hot Hannibal Lector. 
This episode's guests on Twitter-
The Clockwork Prince: https://twitter.com/cwpgames
Zilla: https://twitter.com/beanyzilla
Get Jonathan's interview with Steph Sterling and Yacht Club Games here: https://www.lostincult.co.uk/shop/p/lock-on-gaming-journal-ffase
Watch Jonathan's son Ryan say cute things here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC_Ce6dbh3c
Back the show on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/ttwav

F*ck Hannibal, Marry Juliet, Kill Web3

F*ck Hannibal, Marry Juliet, Kill Web3
Release Date
