Episode 186 - Randomly Premade

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Technically PVP Show Notes

Episode 186 - Randomly Premade

6:42 - Upcoming WoW PVP Events

IDL 2v2 WOTLK Classic Tournament 17 - 20 Aug - https://idleague.live/tournaments/trial-of-the-champions/schedule  Blizzard Events - https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23934874/fly-into-dragonflight-season-2-with-the-great-push-and-arena-world-championship MDI Grand Finals 18-20 Aug - https://twitter.com/WoWEsports/status/1688318509250703360?s=20 

31:54 - Subject of Analysis

1:23:33 - WOW PVP NEWS

MDI Group A 23 July - Congrats to Perplexed for taking first place, and Mandatory for taking second. - https://twitter.com/WoWEsports/status/1683243522307272704?s=20 MDI Group B 30 July - Congrats to NA's Last Hope for taking first place, and Legendary for taking second. - https://twitter.com/WoWEsports/status/1685775370572939269?s=20 Mitch Jones hosts a Mak’Gora Duel Tournament with Xaryu with a $1500 prize.  Lvl 20 duels on the PTR - Congrats to Guzu for taking the W on their rogue! - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1884859738 MDI Group C winners - Echo and Last Minute - https://twitter.com/WoWEsports/status/1688316540561829888?s=20 AWC Season 2 Grand Finals Winners - Echo and Liquid - https://twitter.com/WoWEsports/status/1690827920682725377?s=20 and https://twitter.com/WoWEsports/status/1690882938869846016?s=20Hotfixes - https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23973739/hotfixes-august-10-2023 Zenlyn tried RSS on a fresh priest with only casting spells by typing slash commands.  Made it to 1420 CR - https://twitter.com/Zen_lyn/status/1691057183729844224?s=20 Brain decides to take a break from WOW Esports - https://twitter.com/brainofbrain1/status/1690886322385559552?s=20Blade’s Edge Arena bugged - players asking for it to be removed/fixed - https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/need-to-disable-blades-edge-arena-bug/1650508

1:43:59 - Cooldown Moment

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TreesapJake - https://twitter.com/TreesapJake 


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Episode 186 - Randomly Premade

Episode 186 - Randomly Premade
Release Date
