Ep125: Hungarian Film and Theatre Artist Dora Endre

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Dora is a New York based Hungarian film and theatre artist with an extensive educational background (media, international communications, filmmaking, acting, editing). For the past four years she was lucky enough to collaborate with other creatives on a number of short movies, commercials, music videos, musicals, dance and off-Broadway shows. She loves to wear many hats but primarily works as a director. She also loves guacamole.W: https://www.doraendre.comLike to have a ASC cinematographer as a mentor?Have you thought of upgrading your cinematography game? Would you like to have an ASC Cinematographer mentor you for free? Join veteran cinematographer Suki Medencevic, A.S.C. (Disney, Pixar, FX Networks, Netflix, American Horror Story). He teaches you how to create beautiful images using three lighting techniques he has mastered on film sets over his 30+ years in the film industry. Each technique uses basic, low-cost lighting equipment so that anyone can achieve beautiful visuals no matter your projects's budget.Learn film lighting from an ASC cinematographer. If you want to take your cinematography to the next level, this free training will get you there. These videos are available for a limited time, so sign up for instant access. CLICK HERE TO REGISTERhttps://www.ifhacademy.com/a/28632/aLFBXkpNIf you liked this podcast, shoot me an e-mail at filmmakingconversations@mail.comAlso, you can check out my documentary The People of Brixton, on Kwelitv here: https://www.kweli.tv/programs/the-people-of-brixtonDamien Swaby Social Media Links:Instagram https://www.instagram.com/filmmaker_damien_swaby/Twitterhttps://twitter.com/DamienSwaby?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5EauthorWebsite http://filmmakingconversations.com/If you enjoy listening to Filmmaking Conversations with Damien Swaby, I would love a coffee. Podcasting is thirsty work https://ko-fi.com/damienswaby

Ep125: Hungarian Film and Theatre Artist Dora Endre

Ep125: Hungarian Film and Theatre Artist Dora Endre
Release Date
