Ep. 177 - सरल भगवद् गीता अध्याय 18 (उपसंहार - संन्यास की सिद्धि) श्लोक 67,68 || Bhagavad Gita Simplified Chapter 18 (The Perfection of Renunciation) - Verses 67,68 || 16/02/2023

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(Verse 67) - In this verse, Lord Krishna reminds Arjuna that the knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita should only be shared with those who are devoted to Him and who have a sincere desire to know the truth. He warns that those who lack faith or have a negative attitude towards Him should not be given this knowledge as they will not benefit from it. 

(Verse 68) - This verse emphasizes the importance of sharing the knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita with others, particularly those who are devoted to Krishna. The verse states that by doing so, one can attain pure devotional service and ultimately return to Krishna. It highlights the idea that the ultimate goal of life is to achieve union with Krishna and that sharing knowledge and helping others along the path is a crucial part of that journey.
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Ep. 177 - सरल भगवद् गीता अध्याय 18 (उपसंहार - संन्यास की सिद्धि) श्लोक 67,68 || Bhagavad Gita Simplified Chapter 18 (The Perfection of Renunciation) - Verses 67,68 || 16/02/2023

Ep. 177 - सरल भगवद् गीता अध्याय 18 (उपसंहार - संन्यास की सिद्धि) श्लोक 67,68 || Bhagavad Gita Simplified Chapter 18 (The Perfection of Renunciation) - Verses 67,68 || 16/02/2023
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