228. Season Finale: Essential Tips For Business English Success - A Neurolanguage Coach®'s Notepad

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CLICK HERE TO JOIN NEWSLETTER - Communicate ConfidentlyHere we are! It's the finale of season 5. I have a Google document I update all the time called "365 Daily Business English Snippets". I basically write down anything interesting that happens in client sessions, common mistakes I see people make all the time or reflections based on conversation.Perhaps in the future I will do something with it but for now I picked a few that I really wanted to share with you today. I thought it would be a nice way to round off (finish) this season too. Enjoy!PODCAST SUMMER SCHEDULE AND SEASON 631st July - Break! The podcast will be on holiday8th August - 18th September - Summer Series: Mini Episodes with Top Tips25th September - Season 6 beginsDo you have 5 minutes? Tell me what you think about the podcast anonymously on this survey.Click here to sign up to the newsletter - Communicate Confidently
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228. Season Finale: Essential Tips For Business English Success - A Neurolanguage Coach®'s Notepad

Confident Business English with Anna
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