Bye-Bye, Wife Guy

Release Date:

Ned from The Try Guys cheated on his wife with an employee, Marjorie Taylor Greene's sex guru and a guy named TrackSuitDusty might be our villains of the year, we might finally know Kyle's baby name, and the chess world is being rocked by a possible butt plug situation.
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Ned and the Try Guys
Summary and timeline of everything so far 
Former social media employee quits and makes not so cryptic TikTok
Ex Buzzfeed employees react to the news
Jilted Bride had her own wedding anyway
News article
Kayley’s viral Lizzo moment
The cheating scandal rocking the chess world 
Charlie Lewin breaks it down
Magnus Carlsen officially makes an accusation
The complexity of cheating at chess
Chuck Tingle Wordle
MTG and the sex guru live?
Majorie Taylor Greene’s husband files for divorce
TrackSuitDusty claims he’s putting on a show with MTG’s sex guru 
TrackSuitDusty explains his plan for this live show a little more
Kylie’s Baby Name
Juuls may have cracked code
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Bye-Bye, Wife Guy

Bye-Bye, Wife Guy
Release Date
