Being a One and Done Parent with Jen Dalton

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This week, Tara welcomes fellow only child Jen Dalton, creator of the Instagram account "One and Done Parenting." Tara and Jen both share their experience as only children with only children. Jen explores her decision to have only one child due to a traumatic birth experience. Tara shares her journey of infertility and miscarriages before finally having her son.They also discuss the benefits of being an only child, such as developing strong social skills in uncomfortable environments, making them naturally social adults. Tara and Jen also explore the benefits of having only one child, such as saying yes more frequently to their child’s requests and having the ability to focus on their child's needs and desires without having to consider the needs of multiple children.Jen and Tara address negative stereotypes and potential loneliness, particularly around the holiday season as well as the importance of building a supportive community outside of blood relatives. For families on the fence about having another child, Jen suggests asking themselves if they truly wish to have another child in their care and considering their long-term goals. She emphasizes that children should be wanted by both parents and that having doubts should be explored before making the decision to introduce another baby into the family.In conclusion, the conversation highlights the joys and challenges of being a 'one and done' parent. It's a decision that comes with its own unique set of challenges, but ultimately, it's about creating a loving and nurturing environment for our children.If you are or if you have ever considered being a “one and done” parent, definitely listen to this episode!Links: the show Follow & DM me @modernmomprobs Pick up my book Check out modernmomprobs Shout out to Citizens of Sound Leave a review

Being a One and Done Parent with Jen Dalton

Being a One and Done Parent with Jen Dalton
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