#61 - Adult with XXY - Rodrigo Marron

Release Date:

After one and a half years of trying for a baby, Rodrigo Marron was diagnosed with Klinefelter syndrome/47 XXY in February of 2022 at 32 years old. Feeling alone and isolated with a diagnosis no one had ever heard about, his wife spent many hours researching to find something to give them a glimmer of hope. Rodrigo was born in Mexico City and moved to Texas as a young child. He talks about his life growing up and some of the challenges of high school, poor grades, and awkward gym class.  
Having his high school diploma, he went to college to become an architect.  During his college years, he learned self-confidence, and learned he was a visual learner. Establishing a new passion for school, he became an above-average student and thrived in the visual learning environment. After college, he worked multiple jobs before moving to San Fransisco, where he met his future wife.  Rodrigo shares his story in hopes others will share theirs to help normalize XXY.  https://livingwithxxy.org/ 

#61 - Adult with XXY - Rodrigo Marron

#61 - Adult with XXY - Rodrigo Marron
Release Date
