#17 - English Pronunciation - How to pronounce words like FOURTH, FIFTH, SIXTH in English with Jay

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How well can you pronounce "ordinal numbers" in English such as FOURTH, FIFTH and SIXTH? These are some of the most difficult to pronounce words in English because that "TH" sound is particularly troublesome for a lot of people. In this podcast, Jay will teach you how to pronounce each of the various sounds from "first" to "thirteenth" giving you lots of opportunities to practice and refine the way you say these words and pronounce English words in general."
And if you ever want a bit more practice before your English test, make sure you head to www.e2testprep.com and sign up for our free online English test prep courses for IELTS, PTE, OET, TOEFL, TOEIC and CELPIP.

#17 - English Pronunciation - How to pronounce words like FOURTH, FIFTH, SIXTH in English with Jay

#17 - English Pronunciation - How to pronounce words like FOURTH, FIFTH, SIXTH in English with Jay
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