“His Holiness is a Living Sūtra” & Other Reflections on Emptiness | Yangten Rinpoche Q&A

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In this interview, Ajahn Kovilo and Ajahn Nisabho ask Yangten Rinpoche about what is required to receive a Geshe degree, the nature of Emptiness, what Theravāda and Mahāyāna can learn from one another, and reflections from his years working as His Holiness the Dalai Lama's assistant. Ven. Thubten Damcho generously served as the translator.

“His Holiness is a Living Sūtra” & Other Reflections on Emptiness | Yangten Rinpoche Q&A

“His Holiness is a Living Sūtra” & Other Reflections on Emptiness | Yangten Rinpoche Q&A
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