S3 E11 - And to All a Good Night

Release Date:

It's the holiday episode, and the ladies are planning a holiday party in their apartment!
Felicity’s mom – who is trying to find herself post-divorce – comes to town for a visit and becomes worried about Ben’s bad boy nature and lack of direction and James’ presence in Felicity’s orbit.  She tries to push Felicity to be with Noel, who is feeling particularly lonely and pining for Felicity at this time of year. Ben is upset that Felicity’s own doubts about him are getting triggered by her mom’s questions, and in the end he sits down with her mom for a convincing heart to heart.
Sean and Richard embark on a new entrepreneurial venture to sell Christmas trees at a mark-up. Meghan claims that the idea was originally hers and fights for a cut of the profits. But when sales are slow, Sean and Richard give the trees out to people in the neighborhood for free in a great act of kindness. Free Trees!
Tracy is mourning the loss of his virginity and considering taking a break with Elena to take part in a medical program in Africa. 
And Molly broke up with James, but James isn’t going to stop calling her and showing up at her door trying to get her to change her mind. James, unhinged, shows up at the party with a gun, and a gunshot ends the episode!
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S3 E11 - And to All a Good Night

S3 E11 - And to All a Good Night
Release Date
