Why were Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva cursed? Unveil the mystery.

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Once upon a time in the Puranas, the gods and demons were in constant conflict. The gods faced several defeats and sought the help of Lord Vishnu to solve their problems. Lord Vishnu assured them of assistance and devised a plan to defeat the demons.

Meanwhile, another story was unfolding. Sage Bhrigu, one of the Saptarishis, was renowned for his penance and knowledge. One day, he decided to determine which of the three gods - Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva - was the most tolerant and compassionate.

First, Sage Bhrigu went to Brahma. Brahma was absorbed in his work and ignored Bhrigu. This angered Bhrigu, and he cursed Brahma that he would not be worshipped on Earth.

Next, Bhrigu visited Lord Shiva. Shiva was engrossed in his Tandava dance and failed to welcome Bhrigu. This also angered Bhrigu, and he cursed Shiva that his worship would require special rituals and caution.

Finally, Bhrigu went to Lord Vishnu. Vishnu was in a deep sleep on Sheshnag. Bhrigu kicked him on the chest. Vishnu immediately woke up, held Bhrigu's feet, apologized, and asked if his foot was hurt. Bhrigu was pleased with Vishnu's humility and declared him the greatest of the gods.

Following this event, another significant incident occurred. Sage Bhrigu's wife, Kavyamata, who was extremely pious and devoted to her husband, was a devotee of Lord Vishnu. The demon's guru, Shukracharya, performed a yajna to defeat the gods, in which Kavyamata participated. To protect the gods, Vishnu killed Kavyamata.

When Sage Bhrigu learned of this, he was furious and cursed Lord Vishnu that he would take multiple incarnations on Earth and suffer the pain of separation from his loved ones in each life. Due to this curse, Lord Vishnu incarnated as Rama and Krishna and endured the sorrow of separation from his beloved ones.

Thus, Sage Bhrigu's curse shaped the narratives of Vishnu's incarnations, leading to the establishment of dharma and justice on Earth through his avatars.

Why were Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva cursed? Unveil the mystery.

Why were Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva cursed? Unveil the mystery.
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