Roll20 Buys Demiplane – Lazy RPG Talk Show

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D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of
00:00 Show Start
01:01 Commentary: Happy Pride Month
01:33 Commentary: How to Get More Engagement on YouTube!
02:18 D&D & RPG News: Roll20 Buys Demiplane
12:43 Kickstarter Spotlight: Voidrunner for 5e by EN World Publishing
16:27 Patreon Spotlight: Infiltration of Bonespur Keep
19:46 DM Tip: Organize Your Gaming PDFs
27:59 DM Tip: Searching PDFs on MacOS
30:49 DM Tip: Search PDFs with Finder on the Mac
32:20 DM Tip: Alfred for Searching PDFs on a Mac
34:18 DM Tip: Search PDFs with Ripgrep All
38:25 Patreon Question: Getting Excited for Longform Campaigns
42:17 Patreon Question: Contingencies for TPKs

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Roll20 Buys Demiplane
Adam Bradford Moves to Fantasy Grounds
Voidrunner Kickstarter by EN World Publishing
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Alfred for MacOS
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Roll20 Buys Demiplane – Lazy RPG Talk Show

Roll20 Buys Demiplane – Lazy RPG Talk Show
Release Date
