5e Combat Survey Results – Lazy RPG Talk Show

Release Date:

D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
00:00 Show Start
01:02 Kickstarter Spotlight: Iskandar Adventures Volume 1
04:40 Product Spotlight: Torrents of the Spellhoarder by Elderbrain
09:40 D&D & RPG News: Rob Heinsoo on Mastering Dungeons
11:55 D&D & RPG News: Scroll for Initiative on Pass Without Trace
18:12 D&D & RPG News: Bob World Builder on Gridded, Abstract Maps, and Theater of the Mind
20:47 Commentary: New Poll Results on Combat Styles
24:44 DM Tip: The Lost Art of Abstract Maps
36:15 Patreon Question: Running a Quick Conclusion to a Campaign
40:00 Patreon Question: Are Secrets Always True?
41:09 Patreon Question: Upward Beats for Dungeons
45:18 Patreon Question: Appropriate Challenges, Quests, and Adventures for 1st Lvel Characters
47:29 Patreon Question: Taking Away the Characters' Stuff
50:48 Patreon Question: Buying Material Multiple Times on Different Platforms

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Buy Sly Flourish Books:
Kickstarter: Iskandar Adventures Volume 1
Torrents of the Spellhoarder
Rob Heinsoo on Mastering Dungeons
Scroll for Initiative on Pass Without Trace
Bob World Builder on Grid, Theater of the Mind, and Abstract Maps
Grid, Abstract Map, and Theater of the Mind 2023 Poll Results
The Abstract Battle Map Sly Flourish article
Beats of a Dungeon Crawl

5e Combat Survey Results – Lazy RPG Talk Show

5e Combat Survey Results – Lazy RPG Talk Show
Release Date
