#129 Join me on the Making app?

Release Date:

Hey friends, I'm just coming out my little winter cocoon to tell you about the new Making app, which I loved joining. As you might know I left instagram last year for many different reasons, but one thing I have missed was seeing other people's creative processes and sharing my own. I had been hoping for a gentle and non-competitive space to do that and to be able to do a little comfort-scrolling without being bombarded by ads and shiny stuff.  I'm not being paid to say that I found exactly this in the Making app, I just wanted to see if you want to join me there so that we can swap notes on what we're working on - my username is @YarrowMagdalena In January I'll also teach a class on dreaming into the new year, which you are super welcome to join: https://themakingapp.com/classes/dreaming-into-2022-with-your-journal--the-tarot/Y599 (please note you need to be logged into the app to open this link).  Hopefully see you there: https://themakingapp.com/about 
Love, Yarrow
//If you enjoy listening and would like some support for your practice please consider joining my Patreon. In the Practice // Space community you’ll get access to recorded workshops, ritual guides, journaling prompts and movement & creative practices to explore in your own time. I also host monthly intention setting sessions and quiet co-creating sessions on Zoom around each new moon. Join here: https://www.yarrowmagdalena.com/practice/
Thank you!//

#129 Join me on the Making app?

#129 Join me on the Making app?
Release Date
