Episode 11: BelloLudi and Interview with Peter Van Dop

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In this episode Fighting Kentuckian and Wyndehurst Productions conduct their first interview. Our guest is Peter Van Dop, creator of the BelloLudi family of rules. From their website: "BelloLudi wants to make wargaming accessible to everyone. Therefor we offer easy to learn rules, each with the flavor of the period. easy to learn, fun to play, but with deeper levels than seen at first sight." This thinking is right in line with the goals of On Patrol, to grow the hobby by bringing in new people. We hope you enjoy this episode and give the rules a look, we highly recommend them. BelloLudi sight: https://www.belloludi.nl/english we Highly

Episode 11: BelloLudi and Interview with Peter Van Dop

Episode 11: BelloLudi and Interview with Peter Van Dop
Release Date
