The Son of Cups: Life Through Rose Colored Glasses | #052

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In today's episode of Creating Consciousness: A Daily Podcast, Rebecca leads the collective listeners in a daily energetic forecast guided by the Son of Cups, or more traditionally, the Knight of Cups. With Spirit's guidance, Rebecca leads the collective on a journey to remove their rose colored glasses and accept things for the way they are. Rebecca elaborates on this energy by sharing how grounding and identifying our traumas and triggers can help us grow. She communicates how to do this and provides you with reassurance through the process. She shares messages from Spirit providing you with daily intuitive exercises, affirmations, and spiritual guidance for your self-growth and development. If you are looking for a quick, digestible podcast, Creating Consciousness is for you.
Intuitive Task:
Before diving into today's exercise, ground yourself. Go outside, take your shoes off, and imagine thick, strong, sturdy roots penetrating deep into the Earth. Allow yourself to feel this energy and then send all your pains and struggles down the roots for Mother Earth to transmute.
Then, make a list of three of your biggest triggers. Become a patient observer of these triggers throughout he next few weeks and really learn about them–– how and when they show up and how you respond. Then in the new year, focus on reprogramming these triggers.
Intuitive Affirmation:
"I am making progress everyday."
Remember to trust these words as you say them! It's so important!
I will see you again in the new year! I love you!
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I put so much time and effort into producing these podcasts and I would love your support! Please subscribe, rate and review this podcast as this helps me reach more people who are beginning their healing journey. I am so grateful to each and everyone one of you!
Creating Consciousness is a daily podcast, hosted by Rebecca Wierman of This Consciousness Spiritual Coaching & Intuitive Healing, reflecting back to you the energies of your subconscious through tarot, channeling, and spiritual guidance. New episodes are released every Monday through Friday.
Big thank you to Savvy Ln. Designs by Savannah Pryfogle for the beautiful podcast cover art! Check out more of her work here:
Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on

The Son of Cups: Life Through Rose Colored Glasses | #052

The Son of Cups: Life Through Rose Colored Glasses | #052
Release Date
