Epidsode 266 Ancestors, Past Lives and Ghost Stories Part 1 (Encore)

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Part 1- Ancestors
As we approach Halloween, a liminal time of the year, it becomes easier for us to connect with our ancestors. In this episode, I’m sharing my insights as a psychic intuitive and exploring ancestral mythology from different cultures.
Dive into our collective spiritual lineage as we chat:
1️⃣ Broadening our view:: Ancestors are not limited to those who share our DNA. They include the community that contributed to shaping who we are today. Embrace a wider perspective of what constitutes your ancestry.
2️⃣ Explore ancestral mythology: Discover how various cultures throughout history celebrated and honored their ancestors at different times of the year. From African mythology to Greek and Norse traditions, each offers a unique perspective on ancestral connections.
3️⃣ Mythology helps us understand ourselves: Understanding the lessons in mythology, where creation stories and ancestral narratives intertwine. Aligning with our ancestral stories can provide insight into our own identity and the worlds we create.
💫 Halloween is more than trick-or-treats; it's a gateway to connect and reflect. Ready to explore? Listen in, and stay spellbound for Parts 2 and 3. ✨🎙️

Epidsode 266 Ancestors, Past Lives and Ghost Stories Part 1 (Encore)

Epidsode 266 Ancestors, Past Lives and Ghost Stories Part 1 (Encore)
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