The Battle in waiting

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How many times do we rush and pray for something to happen quick?  Or find ourselves mad because it isn't happening right now.  Maybe a job promotion, or growing your business and maybe that soul mate you are longing to fine   I know for me in the struggles and feeling stuck I ask for reasons and why is this going on?  But what if God is try to teach us about patience, a closer walk with Him, and preparing for what He has ahead for us.   Trusting God's timing is perfect.  He has big plans for each of us and knows when it is best for us to reach whatever it is we are praying for.  Proverbes 3: 5-6 says Trust the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding:  in all you ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.  
Read today out of 100 Day of Believing Bigger Devotional Journal,  Author Marshawn Evans Daniels.  Available on Amazon! 


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The Battle in waiting

The Battle in waiting
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