How to do laundry in an organized way

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Today’s microscopic home organizing topic is LAUNDRY.
I have these unwritten rules in my head about laundry. Do you too? Sort them by color. Wash darks on cold, whites on hot, use bleach, wash towels together, wash jeans together. ugh! Do I really need to do all these things? I mean, before kids it was easier because all the dirty clothes were just mine or mine and my husbands. After kids the whole laundry task changed. As they got bigger it changed more, right. Definitely more loads to get done today than there was 10 years ago!
As someone who is or feels like they’re just starting their home organizing journey you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right?  In order to make that happen you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us. Instead of feeling like laundry is a dreadful never ending chore, you can take a step back and put measures in place to effectively get it done so that you truly feel that you have it under control going forward. 
That’s what you want, right? I know you’re smart enough to realize that the task of doing laundry won’t ever just disappear. It’s like dishes, as long as everyone in the house is eating there will inevitably be dishes to wash. As long as everyone in the house doesn’t run around naked there will be clothes to wash!
But it doesn’t have to be something you dread. It can just be a chore that happens as needed for your current season of life or current level of chaos in your home. In this episode I’ll share the best 2 options you have, why these options will work for you and how to get started this week.

How to do laundry in an organized way

How to do laundry in an organized way
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