Beagle Brigade On Duty

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Protecting US agriculture from foreign diseases and products is very important. A group of about 120 beagles across the country is the first line of defense from these types of dangers to agriculture. Thomas Capps has more.

Thomas Capps
Man's best friend protecting US agriculture. Hello and welcome to Tennessee Home and Farm Radio, I'm Thomas Capps.

Officer Torres
Safeguarding America's agriculture is a top priority for us.

Thomas Capps
We say it often but food security truly is national security. That's why protecting our nation's agriculture industry from foreign diseases and certain products is so important. That's where some four legged friends come in, bagels to be exact.

Officer Torres
We constantly are searching for prohibited items, usually pork, you know, meat, plant vegetables, seeds that come from foreign countries.

Thomas Capps
That's Officer Torres who's an ag specialist canine handler with US Customs and Border Protection. She's assigned to a beagle named Mocks. Officer Torres and Mocks greet people as they enter the US through airports and Mocks goes to work.

Officer Torres
They're trained for five different odors. That's the basics that they know which is Apple, citrus, mango, beef and pork and then the rest of the odors, the handler has to teach them.

Thomas Capps
They're called the Beagle Brigade and each dog is considered a federal agent. Officer Bateman is also a canine handler. His partner is a beagle named biscuit.

Officer Bateman
We find something everyday or half the time people just forget or they don't realize the importance but sometimes people will literally try to smuggle in food. They feel like they have to bring it to family or the family member requested it and they'll try to get it in any way they can.

Thomas Capps
Some might think bringing these things into the country is no big deal. But as Officer Bateman explains, it's a huge deal.

Officer Bateman
As far as animal products like pork, beef, poultry, depending on the country they're coming from it could have diseases, viral bacterial diseases, fruits and vegetables. It can have either plant diseases or pest or whatever like Mediterranean fruit, fly, Caprivi, Ling grains, whatever. And if that came into our country, it could wreck our agricultural system

Thomas Capps
Protecting our nation's most important industry, one sniff and tail wag at a time.

Officer Bateman
They can smell things we can't smell or see. Our job is made a lot easier with the dog.

Thomas Capps
For Tennessee home and Farm Radio. I'm Thomas Capps.


Beagle Brigade On Duty

Beagle Brigade On Duty
Release Date
