This Small Thing Is SO Fun!

Release Date:

Ever found yourself ruminating on a single negative comment for days, weeks, or even years? What if you could flip that script and start believing all the wonderful things people have said about you instead? In this uplifting episode, we challenge the habit of clinging to negativity and invite you to celebrate the compliments and kind words you receive. Discover the practice of maintaining a "praise file," where you store all the positive feedback—big or small—that you've ever gotten, and learn how doing so can give you a meaningful boost when you need it most.And, as a special bonus, I want to give you FREE access to my signature course, Slay Your Year (usually $997)! All you have to do is: Leave a review of this podcast. Email a screenshot of your review to info@susie-moore.comSimple as that! If you'd love to watch the video version of our interviews, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.

This Small Thing Is SO Fun!

This Small Thing Is SO Fun!
Release Date
