3 Strength Training Myths to Avoid

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Strength training has the potential to expand your life in so many ways, which is why it makes me so sad when those who are relatively new to lifting get scared off by common myths and misconceptions. In my experience, there are three common strength training myths that I see that I want to set the record straight on. Key Takeaways If You Want To Avoid Common Strength Training Myths, You Should:  Know that you don't need to lift every day and that recovery is important Stop trying to confuse your muscles instead of working towards your goals Don't push yourself to the point of soreness where you don't enjoy it anymore Strength Training Myths Exposed One of the first myths people often hear when they are first exposed to strength training is that they need to lift every day. This couldn't be further from the truth. Rest and recovery days are necessary for a sustainable lifting routine, and they should not be taken lightly. The improvements you will see in your results when you schedule in the time for a recovery day from lifting will speak for themselves. Another common myth is that you have to confuse your muscles in order to see results. While it is important to have modifications in your lifting routine to keep your muscles adaptive, you can actually do yourself a disservice by confusing your muscles too much. A training plan that progressively overloads you while training towards your goals is the key to a strategy that works for you. The Key Is a Progressive Plan Another myth that I see my clients get caught up in all the time is that if their workout is not making them incredibly sore, then it is not working. While everyone feels soreness occasionally, pushing your body to the point where you are so sore that you are not enjoying your workouts anymore isn't benefiting anybody. By creating a progressive plan, you can get more out of your lifting in the long run. Being more consistent, showing up without being extremely sore, enjoying your workouts, buying back more time, all without overdoing it, are just some of the benefits of avoiding these three common strength training myths. What are some strength training myths that you have come across? Share them with me in the comments section of the episode page. In This Episode Learn about my exciting new offering that you have been asking for for years (3:43) The importance of recovery and why you will see better benefits when you don't lift every day (8:18) Why you don't need to confuse your muscles in order to make progress in your workouts (12:00) Why your workout doesn't have to make you sore in order to be effective (18:23) How to find a training plan that is matched to your goals, needs, equipment, and more (22:55) Quotes “Not only do you get amazing benefits from strength training, but I really do believe that it is a catalyst for expansion in your life.” (3:19) “If we want to build strength, we are going to have to progressively overload the training plan over time. There are multiple ways to progressively overload a training plan, but all this means in very general speak, is that we have to change up certain variables of the workout at a reasonable pace over time so that your body continues to adapt.” (13:18) “If you have goals, and you are looking to increase mass or looking to increase strength or looking to increase speed, power, then its important that you spend enough time actually being exposed to those things so that you increase and improve.” (17:40) “Your soreness is really not a great indication of how good the workout was… but it is pretty demotivating when you are incredibly sore all the time, or you are just wiped out all the time, it is very difficult to wake up the next day or two days later excited to do that next workout.” (21:57) “If you are following a training plan that is well thought out, hopefully, it is progressing you as wisely as possible.” (22:48) Featured on the Show Find Out Which Program Fits You Best Quiz Dynamic Dumbells Program Check out the full show notes here! Follow Steph on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | Pinterest I'd really love it if you would take 1 min and leave us a rating and review on iTunes! Podcast production & marketing support by the team at Counterweight Creative Related Episodes 363: How to Stay Consistent in the Gym 360: 3 Ways to Beat Workout Boredom  

3 Strength Training Myths to Avoid

3 Strength Training Myths to Avoid
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