01 - We Are the Perverts

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Thousands of hours of porn are consumed globally every single minute, yet we still avoid the topic of porn in most conversations and social situations. This taboo leads to a lot of people feeling worried about their porn habits. How did we get here? In this episode, we find out just how much porn people are watching and society’s attitudes around it. We cover a brief history of porn, the impact of porn going online, and the significance of a pornographer in Prague calling us all perverts. Featuring:Patricia Nilsson, reporter for the Financial Times and host of the podcast Hot Money: porn, power and profit.Squirm (getsquirmy.com) is an educational platform that helps people have productive and compassionate conversations on difficult topics related to sex and relationships. We do this through approachable, inclusive offerings, including games, events, workshops, and audio originals. From committed relationships to casual sex, the ability to express your boundaries and desires leads to better, more satisfying sexual experiences. A lot of sex advice ends with “talk about it.” That’s where ours begins.Porn Nerds is a co-production of Squirm and BOOM Integrated, the podcast division of GRAMMY-winning audiobook leader John Marshall Media. Huge thank you to Adrien Glover, Uri Mansion, and the whole team at BOOM Integrated.Get our newsletter! Sign up (getsquirmy.com/#newsletter) Follow us on Instagram: @__squirm__ (instagram.com/__squirm__/) Read about us in: Men’s Health | Mashable | Willamette Week Best of Portland 2024 Want to invite us on your podcast? Or feature us in your publication? Or collaborate on an event? Email us at hello@getsquirmy.com

01 - We Are the Perverts

Porn Nerds
Release Date
