#012 Unleash your Giftedness with Nadja Cereghetti from Unleash Monday

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Today I’m speaking with Nadja Cereghetti host of the Unleash Monday Podcast. It was so much fun to find a kindred spirit, she’s on a mission to create space for gifted adults with her awesome podcast! In the episode you’ll hear: Nadja talking about her journey of discovering she was gifted as an adult Her immense relief in finally understanding herself What it means to be a multipotentialite or generalist The diversity of giftedness Hit play and let’s get started! Memorable Quotes “I started reading these checklists and I read books and it was quite an emotional process. I was crying. It was this kind of relief of finally having an answer to so many unanswered questions, but also frustration. Why didn't anybody see this?” - Nadja “After a little while embracing this it was very empowering. I got this empowerment that I wished for my friends. I got it for myself and it gives me more self-confidence in what, who I am and what I do. And so I thought I need to share this.” - Nadja “There's too much interesting stuff. I cannot just focus on one thing and knowing about this [giftedness], it really gives me, personally, permission to just do and not having to justify to anybody else.” - Nadja “We recognize greatness in other people, whatever they do. But for ourselves, we always feel like we need a certificate. We need a diploma, we need some sort of proof, but you don't.” - Nadja Resources Unleash Monday Unleash Monday on Instagram Unleash Monday on Twitter Multipotentialite Ted Talk The G Word Film Subscribe & Review If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about your biggest takeaway in the comments. For more episodes, you can subscribe and to help others find our podcast please leave a review. You can find show notes and more resources at www.ourgiftedkids.com See you in the same place next week. Connect Connect with me on LinkedIn Instagram & Facebook!

#012 Unleash your Giftedness with Nadja Cereghetti from Unleash Monday

#012 Unleash your Giftedness with Nadja Cereghetti from Unleash Monday
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