Re-run: 4. Fighting the racist far right

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How can the working class defeat the far right?

A magnificent mass movement, overwhelmingly young, working-class and black, but also very multiracial, has erupted in the US, Britain and internationally against racism. Its trigger was the racist police murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis on 25 May 2020.

But young people and workers are angry about years of systemic racism, as well as all the class inequality, privations and oppression of the capitalist system.

The Socialist Party and our sister parties around the world have been to the fore on these protests. We've been discussing with young, working-class people about how to fight racism and capitalism, and signing up big numbers interested in finding out about joining the Socialists.
While we carry on this vital work, we are re-running an episode from 22 October 2018: is the far right on the rise?

As far-right groups attempt to organise again, supposedly in defence of public monuments, how can the workers’ movement overcome their violent threat? Where does the far right come from? And what is the record of the Socialist Party on fighting and defeating the far right?

You can hear more about the Socialist Party’s response to the magnificent new mass movement in our recent Facebook on YouTube broadcast on 5 June, and the recent Committee for a Workers' International Facebook and YouTube broacdast on 9 June.

This re-run of Socialism looks at the racist far right: how to fight it.

Further listening and reading

Socialist Party broadcast on the new anti-racist eruption on Facebook:

And on YouTube:

Committee for a Workers' International broadcast on the global explosion of protest on Facebook:

And on YouTube:

Black Lives Matter protests sweep Britain - how can the movement win?

USA - black and white youth rise up against racism:

Britain - mass protests erupt:

US - what’s next for the anti-racist movement?

“All changed, changed utterly” - A new era of class struggle and capitalist crisis:

Re-run: 4. Fighting the racist far right

Re-run: 4. Fighting the racist far right
Release Date
