61. Coronavirus: a socialist response

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How can workers' action help overcome the Covid-19 crisis?

The new coronavirus, Covid-19, is sweeping through the world's population - exposing capitalism for disastrous weaknesses in healthcare systems,social infrastructure, and the global economy. Capitalist politicians and the capitalist state are torn between protecting public health and defending private profit.

The official number of cases in the UK as of 12 March 2020 is 590. But the British government's chief scientific advisor has said the real number could be up to 10,000. The local elections planned for May have been postponed.

Hospitals are facing overload. Workers are facing lost pay. The economy was already heading toward recession. But workers have also fought back with demands and with strike action to force a response in the interests of the majority.

Why did capitalism get us here? What action can workers take to improve things? And how could socialist change resolve the underlying problems?

This episode of Socialism looks at the coronavirus: the socialist response.

Further reading

Latest updates and demands in the Socialist: https://www.socialistparty.org.uk/issue/1077

Covid-19 - a socialist response to the coronavirus crisis: https://www.socialistparty.org.uk/articles/30353/04-03-2020/covid-19-a-socialist-response-to-the-coronavirus-crisis

Coronavirus crisis shakes Chinese regime: https://www.socialistparty.org.uk/articles/30290/19-02-2020/coronavirus-crisis-shakes-chinese-regime

Coronavirus exposes capitalism's weaknesses in healthcare and economy: https://www.socialistparty.org.uk/articles/30203/05-02-2020/coronavirus-exposes-capitalisms-weaknesses-in-healthcare-and-economy

Coronavirus - capitalism limits response to viral outbreaks: https://www.socialistparty.org.uk/articles/30176/29-01-2020/coronavirus-capitalism-limits-response-to-viral-outbreaks

61. Coronavirus: a socialist response

61. Coronavirus: a socialist response
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