The Magic of Changing Just One Thing!

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How many times have you heard this saying? “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Yet so many people have difficulty reaching their weight goals because they’re stuck in a repetitive pattern of doing the same thing that doesn’t work, over and over again. As the columnist Molly Ivins said, “The  first rule of holes: When you are in one, stop digging.”  In this episode,  you’ll learn  how to stop digging yourself deeper into that overeating hole. We’ll explore how a simple change can break your patterns of overeating or emotional eating.  Because every time you repeat a habit that moves you away from your goals, you’re reinforcing that pattern in your brain, and thereby make it a little harder to break the habit.  I’m so excited to make available to you my Free Video Masterclass, Kick the Emotional Eating Habit for Good. Hop over to my website,, and take advantage of this free resource. You can access it instantly! No need to be available at a specific time.

The Magic of Changing Just One Thing!

The Magic of Changing Just One Thing!
Release Date
