054. Corine Pettit: Building a Web Design Business

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Today is a special day! We are kicking off a month-long student series! You’ll be hearing from four of my past students sharing their journeys from money fears, insecurities, and uncertainties to financial empowerment, freedom, and joy! Whether you consider yourself a lover of spreadsheets like today’s guest, Corine, or terrible with numbers I hope this series sheds light on how simple but transformative knowing a few key numbers in your business can be! When Corine took my business finance course, The Blueprint Model, she actually didn’t feel lost when it came to her numbers. An engineer by trade, she knew her way around a spreadsheet! Yet even with her savvy numbers skills, when it came to paying herself consistently, she was fearful of running out of money and overdrafting her account. She took The Blueprint Model in hopes of putting some great financial systems in place, and I’m excited for you to hear more of her story and how things have changed for her financially in today’s interview. WILDFLOWER SHOWNOTES : shannaskidmore.com/corine-pettit/

054. Corine Pettit: Building a Web Design Business

054. Corine Pettit: Building a Web Design Business
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