005. Candice Coppola: From Broke and Ashamed to Financial Freedom, a complete Money Mindset Transformation.

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“The money… thats not my thing”. On the brink of broke and about to lose her business, how an unexpected bill from the IRS became the wake up call this Louis Vuitton loving entrepreneur needed to completely transform her mindset about money. If you’ve ever found yourself burying your head in the sand so to speak when it comes to money, today’s interview is a MUST LISTEN! Candice shares openly and honestly about almost losing her business, borrowing money from Grandma Vera to pay payroll, and avoiding the IRS, all due to her complete lack of understanding about her business finances. You’ll learn the cloud-parting moment when she finally  figured out that money didn’t have to be a source of shame or fear, and how this former “non-money” person became obsessed with knowing her numbers. The best part? Now she is empowered to make decisions based on facts and not fears. WILDFLOWER SHOWNOTES : shannaskidmore.com/candice-coppola

005. Candice Coppola: From Broke and Ashamed to Financial Freedom, a complete Money Mindset Transformation.

005. Candice Coppola: From Broke and Ashamed to Financial Freedom, a complete Money Mindset Transformation.
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