824 - Three Major Changes To Expect When Quitting Porn

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We focus a LOT on the negative consequences of porn addiction, and for good reason. The fear of pain is often more motivating than the promise of reward.
BUT...it can't be all about escaping consequences forever. That type of motivation will wear a man out after awhile if it's not balanced with some positive expectations.
Today we break down 3 of the major positive changes to look forward to when you get free from porn. Look forward with joy and hope!
In this episode, we discuss:
0:38 The joys awaiting you on the other side of freedom
2:42 Create a vision board of your porn-free life (why do you actually WANT to quit pornography?)
4:18 Change #1: You start to feel powerful
6:20 Change #2: You will feel purposeful...your life MATTERS
8:15 Change #3: You'll feel connected
✅ FREE "QUIT-PORN" CASE STUDY VIDEO: Learn the system that has helped HUNDREDS of men around the world realize their potential, restore their relationships, and reconnect with God.
Resources Mentioned:
The Last Relapse (Free Book)
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824 - Three Major Changes To Expect When Quitting Porn

824 - Three Major Changes To Expect When Quitting Porn
Release Date
