Episode 49 - Emergency Care for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children and Adolescents - An Interview With Dr. Hannah Janeway and Dr. Clinton Coil

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Emergency Care for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children and Adolescents - An Interview With Dr. Hannah Janeway and Dr. Clinton Coil
This issue of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice is available at no cost here:


What is the difference between gender and sexual orientation?
What are some of the terms we may encounter (current or retired)?
How does a lack of knowledge / competency regarding care for transgender and gender diverse (TGD) youth create barriers to effective care? Or negatively affect the quality of care these patients receive?
What is the best way to approach a transgender patient in the ER?
There are a number of ways transgender patient may alter their appearance. Why are these methods relevant (complications) and how do I ask about them?


What medical gender-affirming therapies are currently available? And what complications can they cause?

Pubertal suppression
Feminizing or masculinizing hormones

Is gender-affirming surgery used in this population ? What types (chest, genital) ?
STI’s and Pregnancy are still considerations, correct?
What are some of the problems that transgender youth have an increased risk of?

Substance abuse
Self harm
Eating disorders
Physicians and sexual violence
Family rejection
Food insecurity

What are some helpful resources if I want to learn more?

UCSF Center for Excellence for Transgender Health (https://prevention.ucsf.edu/transhealth)
PFLAG (https://pflag.org/)

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Episode 49 - Emergency Care for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children and Adolescents - An Interview With Dr. Hannah Janeway and Dr. Clinton Coil

Episode 49 - Emergency Care for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children and Adolescents - An Interview With Dr. Hannah Janeway and Dr. Clinton Coil
Release Date
