Why do Top Leaders Use Malcolm Baldrige Leadership Standards? | Sabrina Braham MA PCC & Kay Kendall | WLS 84

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Have you heard about the Malcolm Baldrige Leadership Award? It is a business quality improvement standard and famous award that top women leaders use to enhance their staff engagement, leadership skills and profits developed by the former secretary of commerce, under Ronald Regan

How are these standards creating world-class leaders that increase team engagement and deliver exceptional results?

Join me today to learn about the Malcolm Baldrige Leadership award, & how you can use this proven system to advance your career, and your company, whether it is large or small.

What is The Malcolm Baldrige Leadership Award?
In the 1980’s United States industries had lost their competitive edge with other countries. Foreign manufacturers understood the importance of delivering high quality products. The United States was falling behind.

Malcolm Baldrige who was the Secretary of Commerce under Ronald Reagan was very concerned. America’s was less competitive in manufacturing, particularly in the automotive and electronics industries, while Japanese attention to quality was taking the market share. So in 1987 the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Improvement Act was signed into law.

Why do Top Companies Use Malcolm Baldrige Leadership Standards?
Our guest today Kay Kendall stated; “one study in the manufacturing sector showed remarkable financial growth in the few years leading up to the award and in the years after winning the award.”

The Malcolm Baldrige leadership standards are highly adaptable, highly flexible, and there aren’t many other models out there that have that kind of power. 

There are so many things that you and your organization can learn from the remarkable results of these winners.

Listen to learn how Malcolm Baldrige Leadership methods will give you tools to engage yourself and your employees. You will hear some of the best practices of the award winning leaders in business today.

Kay Kendall, One of the Nation’s Top Experts on the Malcolm Baldrige Leadership Practices
Kay is the co-author of Leading the Malcolm Baldrige Way and spent more than 20 years as a quality executive leading challenge initiatives across diverse industries—aerospace, semiconductor automation equipment, computers and storage devices, and pharmaceuticals.

She was introduced to the Baldrige Framework in the early 1990’s and became an examiner, served as a judge for a 3-year term limit, and is still engaged in the program as an alumnus. This great interview with Kay will give you surefire suggestions you can put into action immediately to improve your leadership and bottom line.
Malcolm Baldrige Leadership Interview Key Points:

Learn exciting research proving that companies using Malcolm Baldrige Leadership criteria, performed significantly better than their peers.

Why employee engagement is so important to an organization’s success.

Discover the relationship between employee engagement, customer loyalty, profitability, marketplace success that the Malcolm Baldrige Leadership developed.

Shocking information on why more members of senior management don’t work harder to try and engage their employees.

Check out the different mindset leaders need to utilize Malcolm Baldrige Leadership.

How important is that leader’s vision?  How vital is it to the company’s success?

Maintaining momentum when there’s a downturn.

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Why do Top Leaders Use Malcolm Baldrige Leadership Standards? | Sabrina Braham MA PCC & Kay Kendall | WLS 84

Why do Top Leaders Use Malcolm Baldrige Leadership Standards? | Sabrina Braham MA PCC & Kay Kendall | WLS 84
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