Professional Women LinkedIn Profile Optimization | Sabrina Braham & Donna Serdula – Part II | WLS113

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This is part 2 of a special show on professional women LinkedIn profile optimization. If you haven’t listened to part 1, you can start here. But be sure to catch the great advice in part 1 on profile optimization for executive women as well.

Do you know how to present yourself as a warm person on LinkedIn?
Do you know the benefits of using LinkedIn to help you get a promotion inside your company, or a better job in another company?
How would you like to have a strong, eye-catching LinkedIn profile?
I am so excited about this interview. There are so many secrets in this show that will help you get better jobs, promotions, and a network of like-minded people that will re-enforce your personal brand and expand your income.

And be sure to listen for the free gift from me in the middle of the show that will advance your career and leadership and help women world-wide too.

In Part-1, we learned about the importance of LinkedIn profile optimization, tips on creating a great LinkedIn profile, how to create connections, and expand our networking and SOAR methodology. All of this incredible information to help women leadership and career development.

In Part-2, we are continuing with our guest, Donna Serdula, LinkedIn Guru, who will expand our knowledge on creating a strong, eye-catching, and credible LinkedIn profile. Donna Serdula is making people’s lives better by guiding them to get better jobs, promotions, and incredible job positions by building a better more authentic LinkedIn Profile that sets you apart.

Professional Women LinkedIn Profile Optimization Part 2- Summary Show Notes:

Free help for military women career development [38:05- 40:55]

Learn how Sabrina improves her profile with Donna’s suggestions [40:56- 44:09]

Powerful tips to write a great ‘About’ section that gets noticed. [44:12-45:59]

How you can get your ideal recommendation from others on LinkedIn to increase your clients and advance your career [46:36- 48:38]

Powerful networking tips inside your company to help you get a promotion. [49:16- 51:24]

Why showcasing personal hobbies and interests on LinkedIn profile helps you be more authentic and desirable. [51:25- 53:29]

How to expand networking on LinkedIn to get a better job in a different company. [54:16- 56:52]

Donna’s simple secret on following big companies to help your career development. [57:12- 58:09]

How much does your experience matter on LinkedIn? [58:46- 1:00:09]

LinkedIn have a new feature of following profiles. How can it help you? [1:01:07- 1:02:16]

Difference between being authentic and overly vulnerable on LinkedIn. [1:03:02-1:05:10]

Best things to do for LinkedIn Profile Optimization! [1:05:29- 1:07:10] OR [How to beat LinkedIn Algorithm?]

We hope that this episode helped you. Be sure to follow us @ - or Search for: “executive coach Sabrina Braham” & Donna Serdula
But be sure to catch the great advice in part 1 on profile optimization for executive women as well.


Action for Traction: Professional Women LinkedIn Profile Optimization

Listening to a podcast or reading a book good is a start. But the way you will change and grow yourself is to take a small action every time you have an aha from what you have heard or read.

Here are 4 possible actions you might consider:

Every week pick one aspect of your profile to update. Start with your headline. See free resource #3.

Ask someone for a recommendation, give them an outline or write it for them.

Go to LinkedIn, free resources, see LinkedIn headline generation or LinkedIn headline generator to help you get the best headline for your profile.

If you are military or former military go to look at the drop-down services where it says giving back,

Professional Women LinkedIn Profile Optimization | Sabrina Braham & Donna Serdula – Part II | WLS113

Professional Women LinkedIn Profile Optimization | Sabrina Braham & Donna Serdula – Part II | WLS113
Release Date
