Executive Women LinkedIn Optimization | How You Can Build Your Brand | Grow Your Network | Get Better Jobs | Part I – Donna Serdula & Sabrina Braham MA PCC

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Do you have any of these LinkedIn profile questions below?  LinkedIn has become the talk of the town, but don't worry as we're here to help you with executive women LinkedIn optimization for your profile.

Why should executive women use LinkedIn?

What does a powerful LinkedIn profile have in it?

Do you have a LinkedIn profile but you’re not getting recruited?

Did you know that your LinkedIn profile should be different from your resume?

Have you ever wondered why you should use LinkedIn to build your brand, grow your network and influence, get a promotion, increase your income or get a better job?

 How Can LinkedIn Help You Have a Robust Career in 2022?

 “LinkedIn helps people connect with opportunity.” Donna Serdula

In 2022, LinkedIn has reached 800 million users worldwide and 95% of recruiters hire individuals based on good profiles. It's time that we, especially women, should take up the charge and make strong LinkedIn profiles to get what we deserve.

The need for practical tips and techniques is what you need at the moment and that is why we have Donna Serdula onboard to help us understand how we can build a strong LinkedIn profile recruiters can never reject and will increase your influence and help your career development.

To optimize LinkedIn, you need more than a profile for a job, you need better and more useful connections and a strong network. In the first part of this incredible podcast, you will get to know the secrets to having an outstanding LinkedIn profile coming from our expert guest Donna Serdula.
Donna Serdula, LinkedIn Specialist, Author: “LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies"

Donna Serdula is a versatile marketer and LinkedIn specialist. After having 10 successful years in the sales and marketing industry, she weaved her own path in becoming a legendary LinkedIn expert. Her book “LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies” is a breakthrough in helping small and big businesses to get hold of their LinkedIn profiles in a professional and beneficial manner. Donna has been working with her team of 20 incredible writers at her website LinkedIn-Makeover.com making people’s lives easier in getting better jobs, expanding their networks and personal branding with her power of creating successful LinkedIn profiles and their maintenance.


Executive Women LinkedIn Optimization Part I of  II Show Notes:

Reasons why executive women needs LinkedIn [03:07-04:31]

“Your network is your net worth.” Is that so?

How LinkedIn helps executive women connect with opportunities. [04:32- 08:20]

Learn how and why your LinkedIn profile needs to be different from your resume. [10:32- 12:00]

Discover the professional benefits of being active? [12:25 - 23:17]

Learn about SOAR methodology: Strategize, Optimize, Amplify, and Regulate.

Want a powerful profile? Here are the top 3 things executive women do to increase their income and impact? [23:19- 29:28]

How a LinkedIn Premium Business account can help you prospect, grow your network and advance your career.[30:27- 33:41]


Executive Women LinkedIn Optimization Part II is Live 4/12/22

In part two, we're going dive deeper into LinkedIn to help executive women get a promotion or a better job. Donna shares one of her top trade secrets that increases your chances of getting your ideal job, (especially in a competitive situation) and answer some core questions that our listeners have asked.

Also in part II Donna reviews Sabrina’s linkedIn profile, points out some flaws and make some great recommendations to improve, that will help you too.


Action for Traction: LinkedIn Optimization for Executive Women

Listening to a podcast or reading a book good is a start. But the way you will change and grow yourself is to take a small action every time you have an aha from what you have heard or read.

Executive Women LinkedIn Optimization | How You Can Build Your Brand | Grow Your Network | Get Better Jobs | Part I – Donna Serdula & Sabrina Braham MA PCC

Executive Women LinkedIn Optimization | How You Can Build Your Brand | Grow Your Network | Get Better Jobs | Part I – Donna Serdula & Sabrina Braham MA PCC
Release Date
