Employee Engagement For Women Executives: Susan Fowler & Sabrina Braham MA MFT PCC | Women’s Leadership Success Podcast 63

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Do you think you know how to promote employee engagement and motivate people?

Did you know, according to Gallup, that the vast majority of employees, as high as 70%, are not engaged in their work? Companies spend huge amounts of time and money to boost employee engagement.

The problem? Most engagement strategies by organizations don’t work.

Leadership expert and author Susan Fowler who is a researcher and senior consulting partner with The Ken Blanchard Companies, has spent the last fifteen years studying employee motivation. Susan is also the author of “Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work and What Does: The New Science of Leading, Energizing, and Engaging.

Her research has revealed that leaders can’t motivate employees, because people are already motivated. But that doesn't mean that your employees are “engaged” and doing what you want...

Listen to and find out what does improve employee engagement and how you can use it to improve your team's happiness, productivity and retention. Plus you will learn how to engage yourself and be happier too.
Employee Engagement Interview Highlights:

Why motivating people doesn’t work and what does.

What changes when you have high-quality motivation.

How to self-regulate your motivation.

How facilitating a motivational outlook conversation will help your direct reports.

How you can develop optimal motivation in yourself.

Recognize that day-to-day optimal motivation is the fuel for employee engagement over time.

What are your biggest concerns or questions on motivation and employee engagement? Please post them below to get tips to help you succeed in your leadership and career.
Are you and your team ready for improved employee engagement to break through your communcation limitations in your career, leadership and life?
Would you like to move to a more powerful confident level? Then here are 3 things you can start with right now:

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Employee Engagement For Women Executives: Susan Fowler & Sabrina Braham MA MFT PCC | Women’s Leadership Success Podcast 63

Employee Engagement For Women Executives: Susan Fowler & Sabrina Braham MA MFT PCC | Women’s Leadership Success Podcast 63
Release Date
