Email Management for Women Leaders | Time Management Tips with Dianna Booher & Sabrina Braham

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 Want to save valuable lost time? This is Email Management for Women Leaders

Email  Management for Women Leaders

Top Email Hacks
Are you tired of spending hours replying to countless emails?
Would you like to manage your email and time better?
Do You want to master email management the way successful women leaders do?
Then listen in today as my guest, Dianna Booher and I discuss the importance of email management for women leaders and shed light on how women leaders can save time and increase efficiency on emails.
Why Top Women Leaders Manage Their Emails and Save Valuable Time
More than half the time, the few 6-8 hours we spend at work daily is not enough to accomplish certain tasks we have mapped out for that day. Email management skills become crucial to  woman leaders as it helps to reduce overall work stress and gets things done faster. As a woman in leadership, getting a grip on your time management by focusing on the important things and delegating or outsourcing the rest is important. Effective email management in the workplace even goes as far as improving one’s productivity and overall quality of life. It can be achieved in many ways. This is what Dianna Booher and I focus on in this podcast.


Dianna Booher – Time & Email Management Expert
Dianna is a master communicator and author with 48 books. Her entire life work is centered around all forms of communication. She travels the globe with various organizations, teaching great skills and sensitizing corporate bodies on the value of effective communication in the workplace and how to achieve it. Based in Dallas Fort Worth, Dianna has a research institute that works with different organizations to help them expand their influence to build a strong executive presence via effective communication skills. Dianna and Sabrina Braham are passionate about  helping women move up the corporate ladder through insightful communication skills, leadership and career development.

Dianna Booher; Time Management Expert
Women’s Leadership Podcast: Email Management for Women Leaders Show Highlights

Discover surprising ways that people handle their email time management (3:35-5:25)

A lot of people in the workplace are spending a lot of time on emails. Studies show that 42% of the workforce is spending three hours or more replying to emails. This statistic is actually a clear insight on how many professionals and leaders in the workplace are very disorganized about communication. Spending that much time every day on email is a major distraction and poses a huge problem in the work environment.

Learn how to declutter your email for great results and better work experience. (7:50- 10:20)

One of the easiest decluttering strategies for emails is not treating your inbox as a to-do list. It is easy to look at an email that needs your attention and make a mental note to get back to it the following day. So, you leave the email opened and move on to the next one. You do this to four emails in a row and before you know it, you are already confused as to what you were supposed to do with each email. That set of emails remain unattended to and just keep piling up in your inbox. It helps to make an actual note on your calendar and then delete the email to enable you to move to the next.

Learn the importance of “changing the subject line” on your emails for better email management and communication (10:29-13:00)

It is easy to look at the subject line of an email and think you have already attended to that when in fact there is a thread of new information you are yet to see. Also, this wastes a lot of time as you will have to go through a thread of say 15 emails to find one detail when it is asked for. To avoid this, change the subject line of the email as the conversation progresses. This will help you know the exact mail to refer back to and also keep your information better organized for reference purposes.

Email Management for Women Leaders | Time Management Tips with Dianna Booher & Sabrina Braham

Email Management for Women Leaders | Time Management Tips with Dianna Booher & Sabrina Braham
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