Behavior Change for Women Leaders: Unlearn with Barry O’Reilly & Sabrina Braham | WLS 102

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Behavior Change for Women Leaders (and Men)

Are you afraid of making mistakes in business? 
Are you ready to change your behavior to generate more success? 
Are you curious about a different mindset that will impact your career advancement?
Then listen in today as Sabrina Braham and Barry O’ Reilly shed more light on how behavioral changes can effect the progress of women in business. This podcast will share secrets that can help you “unlearn” certain behaviors for more success and discover useful ways to advance your career.

Why is this Important?

Plato once said that “human behavior flows from three main sources; desire, emotion, and knowledge”. This means that our behavior is largely hinged on the things we desire, how we feel and the things we know. It, therefore, goes without saying that our behavior towards our jobs and life as a whole goes a long way to determine the kind of output we get. As women in business, having the right behavior  and actions can take you a few steps higher on the corporate ladder. In order to achieve this, certain past behaviors have to be “unlearned” and new ones learned. This podcast will show you how a timely behavior change in business can positively effect career development for women.


Get to Know Barry O’ Reilly, Author of Unlearn; Let Go of Past Success to Achieve Extraordinary Results

Barry O’ Reilly is an entrepreneur, business advisor and author who focuses on sharing his knowledge of product development, innovation, culture transformation in the workplace and team design for better business relationships and environments. He works with thought leaders and teams from all over the globe to strategize on ways to keep businesses on the right path to consistent growth. He makes use of his knowledge of culture transformation to unlock the potentials of businesses. His book “Unlearn” focuses on shaping and reshaping the behavior of people in the workplace and helping them achieve great results without focusing on past successes. 


Find out what it means to “unlearn” (6:26-11:00)

Holding on to old business models, behaviors, strategies, and even competencies that made you successful in the past doesn’t always work especially with the dynamic nature of the corporate world. Unlearning what does not work and then learning new things isn’t always easy, but it is the only way to move forward in business and is a crucial part of behavior change for women leaders.

Learn about the different signals that indicate the need to unlearn (11:50- 14:30)

Knowing and describing what success means to you or your project is the segue to determining what behavior or actions need to be unlearned. Avoiding challenges or exhausting strategies without getting results are usually indicators that a modus operandi or behavior towards your goal needs to be unlearned.

What are the different steps for behavior change for women leaders? (14:46-27:33)

It is important to know exactly the things you want to unlearn, identify all the challenges and also be focused on what you want to achieve. Taking note of past behaviors gives one a clear idea of what steps can be taken or behaviors learned for better outcomes. Then you implement tiny new behaviors for greater success.

Learn the mindsets to change a behavior (29:35-31:10)

Having a good idea of the behaviors that are not beneficial to your journey towards your goals and learning a system to take small but decisive steps to curb them, will disrupt toxic patterns and give a clearer and easier path to success.

Learn why “small wins” are so important for leadership development (32:00-33:30)

Setting easy and small goals, achieving and celebrating them regardless of how minute they might be is a great way to reflect on behaviors and know what works and what doesn’t.

Behavior Change for Women Leaders: Unlearn with Barry O’Reilly & Sabrina Braham | WLS 102

Behavior Change for Women Leaders: Unlearn with Barry O’Reilly & Sabrina Braham | WLS 102
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