300. 5 Essential Business Lessons I’ve Learned Over 300 Podcast Episodes

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Today I celebrate 300 episodes with a look back at 5key things I’ve learned over the last few years doing this podcast. These 5 principles have got me through some of the toughest times in my life and have taken my business from 5 figures to 7 figures. I know they’ll help you too, no matter where you find yourself on the journey. Thank you to all who have been listening. Whether you’ve heard 300 episodes or 3, I hope this podcast has helped you grow your business in some small yet significant way. Key Takeaways Don’t wait until you know everything to start; just start and you’ll learn as you go. Being honest and vulnerable in your business will pay off in the end. You can’t go wrong if your mission is to help people. In This Episode Five things I’ve learned over 300 episodes [6:41) Getting clear on your mission will help you stay focused (8:50] Authenticity is life-giving [14:25] The best way to build a business is to give [21:03] Community is everything [27:52] You need to launch in order to learn [33:19] Quotes “Without knowing who you really want to serve, who you find fulfillment in, and then understanding what is it that they need – how can video help them (or whatever line of work that you might be in) – when you can know those things then you have a mission.” [12:47] “Newsflash! The only secret sauce is you. Everybody can find all the things that they want on YouTube… for free.” [26:15] “Go ugly early. Don’t wait until your website is done. Don’t wait until you’ve got the perfect email funnel. Don’t wait until you’ve got your favorite logo. Don’t wait until your demo reel is finished and perfect. Ship it, stop holding back, stop not doing the thing that you feel really called to do because you want it to be perfect.” [36:31] Links FREE Workshop Available "How to Consistently Earn Over $100k Per Year in Video Production While Working Less Than 40 Hours Per Week" Get the ASCEND Method Cheat Sheet Join the Grow Your Video Business Facebook Group  Register for the Onward Summit (October 2022) Follow Ryan Koral on Instagram Follow Grow Your Video Business on Instagram What’s your question for the podcast? Share a video or audio response! Additional Links Check out the full show notes page If you haven't already, we'd love it if you would take 1 minute to leave us a review on iTunes!

300. 5 Essential Business Lessons I’ve Learned Over 300 Podcast Episodes

300. 5 Essential Business Lessons I’ve Learned Over 300 Podcast Episodes
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