Why Every Coach Can Benefit from Writing a Book

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While books do take a while to write and publish they are by far and away one of the best marketing assets that a coach and every coach can benefit from writing a book.
My books typically take 8-12 months to write and publish, but that's the hard part done as they are then free or very cheap to give away as a lead magnet.
Many people ask me, "How much information should you give away in your book?" - What they're forgetting here is that if your core coaching programme is high-ticket i.e. expensive, then a book makes learning your methodology affordable for more people...therefore you can measure your impact based on how many people download your book.
Books Increase Engagement
Books hugely help with increasing engagement, Google stated in Zero Moments of Truth that you need to engage someone for 7 hours on average before they commit to buying a product or service. With the average book being 30,000 words long that means somewhere between 5-7 hours of reading time so a book is a great way to chalk off the 7 hours of engagement.
When I launched Take Your Shot I gave away about eighty copies of the book at an event I was speaking at. About three weeks after the event I received dozens of social media notifications one Sunday morning; and essentially people has the book on their bedside cabinet or desk and remembered to pick it up and read it...at which point they started sharing it on social media and leaving reviews. There's no way I could be with those 30+ people all at the same time...so books are amazing at creating engagement on your behalf.
Having a book positions you as an authority
A book enables you to get podcast interviews and speaking engagements
People will quote your book in their marketing and social media
And invite you to write forewords and quotes for their books
It leaves a legacy behind after you are gone!

Protect your methodology and Intellectual Property
In writing your book it helps you to formulate your ideas
I didn’t write Online Business Startup, it wrote me!

In this Episode I also answer the most common questions:
How much should I give away in my book?
How long should a book be?
How salesly should my book be?
How important is being a Bestseller?
How much money can you earn from writing a book?

And...How I hacked the process of writing a book…
10 words of narrated and edited audio equates to about 1,000 words
A typical book is about 30-50,000 words long
So approximately 5-7 hours of content
…how I wrote 30,000 words in a single month

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Why Every Coach Can Benefit from Writing a Book

Why Every Coach Can Benefit from Writing a Book
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