Christmas Movies!

Release Date:

This week Rob (who has a cold) and Kay talk Christmas movies and what we can take away from them as screenwriters as well as taking on the controversy of what constitutes a Christmas movie, aka The Die Hard Conundrum.
Our Weekly Resource: CIRCLE OF CONFUSION WRITER DISCOVERY FELLOWSHIP While Rob is loathe to recommend contests/gatekeepers of any kind, this is a free thing where you can submit your pilot script to potentially carve an avenue to which to find eyes or just see what state your pilot is in. The deadline is January 6th, so you can use the Christmas Break – if you have one – to polish up your pilot and get it on over to circle of confusion which always gets a beat for producing Eternal Sunshine.
LINK to register for the "How to Make a Movie for $1000" Virtual Workshop!
Notes From the Episode:
Zack's Original Instagram video (for our Twitter Drama Bumper)
Tom Cruise's Mission Impossible 7 featurette

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Cinema Challenge Series, Round 1 ("How to Make a Movie for $1000")
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Christmas Movies!

Christmas Movies!
Release Date
