485: Nori Jemil: Can You Capture Perfect Travel Photos?

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In this episode of the Beginner Photography Podcast, I chat with Nori Jemill, an inspiring travel photographer renowned for her transformative journey from hobbyist to professional. Nori unpacks the essence of storytelling through travel photography, emphasizing the significance of passion, persistence, and organic development. Listen as Nori shares info on actively researching locations, planning your shots, and embracing unexpected opportunities. The Big Ideas:Passion Fuels Progress: Your enthusiasm for photography drives your growth and helps you overcome challenges. Let your passion guide your learning journey.Research is Key: Understanding the location and its photographic potential ensures better-prepared shoots and opportunities to capture unique moments.Value Feedback: Seeking constructive criticism from experienced photographers can exponentially improve your skills and deepen your creative vision.Embrace Impromptu Moments: Sometimes the best pictures come from unplanned events. Stay open to spontaneous opportunities to capture authentic, compelling stories.Photography Action Plan:Research Your Next Shoot: Begin with Google searches and browse photo libraries for inspiration specific to your target location. Check travel articles, guidebooks, and use tools like the Photographer’s Ephemeris for optimal shooting times.Prepare Your Gear: Ensure all equipment is in good working condition and pack essential items tailored to the type of photography you plan to take. Include backup batteries, memory cards, and weather-appropriate accessories to avoid any disruptions during your shoot.Create a Shot List and Storyboard: Draft a list of must-have shots and sketch a rough storyboard to guide your photography session. Visualize the story you want to tell through your photos and plan your shots accordingly.Engage with the Local Community: Spend time interacting with locals to gain unique insights and uncover stories that can add depth to your photography. Be curious and approachable; sometimes the best stories are hidden in casual conversations.Critically Review Your Work: After shooting, review your photos and select the ones that best convey your intended narrative. Seek feedback from peers or mentors, and use their constructive criticism to refine your technique and vision.Resources:Check out Nori Jemil’s WebsiteFollow Nori on InstagramGrab your Copy of The Travel Photographers Way - https://amzn.to/4eQlzxMGrab your free 52 Lightroom Presets athttp://freephotographypresets.com/ Transform your Love for Photography into Profit for FREE with CloudSpot Studio.And get my Wedding and Portrait Contract and Questionnaires, at no cost!Sign up now at http://deliverphotos.com/ Watch the Free Maximizing Mini Sessions Video training and start earning money with your camera!https://beginnerphotopod.com/minisConnect with the Beginner Photography Podcast! Join the free Beginner Photography Podcast Community at https://beginnerphotopod.com/group Send in your Photo Questions to get answered on the show - https://beginnerphotopod.com/qa Grab your free camera setting cheatsheet - https://perfectcamerasettings.com/ Thanks for listening & keep shooting!

485: Nori Jemil: Can You Capture Perfect Travel Photos?

482: Alanna O'Neil: Visual Storytelling to Craft More Emotional Images
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