One Hundred and Counting

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On Episode 100 of the Paul Stone Sports Podcast, Paul is opening his mailbag, so to speak.Last week, Paul solicited questions - anything about College Football or handicapping in general - from his Twitter followers and answers some of those questions here on the podcast.While the College Football season may still seem far away, it'll be here before we know it. And, as Paul says, "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." This is a common motivational phrase used in sports, but it rings true in sports betting as well. If you want to be a successful sports bettor, you have to be willing to put in the preparation.But of course there's another option, too! You can skip the preparation and piggyback on Paul's hard work by getting access to all of Paul's College Football (and PGA) selections. Paul is off of his fourth-straight winning season in College Football going 56% against the spread.You can get access right now to a full year of Paul's selections for all sports (College Football, College Basketball and PGA Golf) by signing up at this link. Or, stay tuned, as Paul will soon be releasing an early-bird College Football sign up featuring some exclusive bonuses for those early subscribers. You can get on the pre-release notification list by signing up

One Hundred and Counting

One Hundred and Counting
Release Date
