Carmeon Hamilton: Design The Life You Desire

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Whether we know it or not, our environment impacts our energy, our creativity and our possibility of getting to the financial wealth that we say we desire. Outside of our physical bodies, our physical environment is the second most important thing that is tangible and can be used as a vehicle to empower us, energize us and position us to be well. This week on the Redefining Wealth Podcast, we’re joined by Memphis-based interior designer, content creator and lifestyle blogger, Cameroon Hamilton to discuss how we can design the life we desire and set our lives up to support us.

Key discussion points from this episode include:

The Connection Between Wealth and Wellness - 6:00

Your Space Is A Reflection Of You - 13:30 

Own Your Space, Even If You Don’t Own The Space - 18:51

The Power Of Plants In A Space - 25:50 

Carmeon’s Journey From Blogger To T.V. Show Creator - 37:35

Finding Transformation After Tragedy - 50:20 

Design The Life You Desire Takeaways

“Wealth is a holistic encompassing of several different pillars.” - Carmeon Hamilton  

“You can't get to wealth if you don't have wellness.” - Carmeon Hamilton 

“I would not trade this life for the possibility of anything else.” - Carmeon Hamilton 

“There’s nothing like having a space that reflects who you are.” - Carmeon Hamilton  

“Art is a direct reflection of the people that live in the space.” - Carmeon Hamilton 

“Take care of you first, so you’re better at taking care of your family.” - Carmeon Hamilton 

“Plants are an indicator that someone in the space loves the space and takes care of the space.” - Carmeon Hamilton  

“If you can connect with one, that one will be an evangelist for you and create a whole community for you.” - Carmeon Hamilton 

“A place of gratitude is my existence on a day to day basis.” - Carmeon Hamilton 

Connect With Carmeon
Instagram: @carmeonhamilton | 
Purchase Carmeon’s Furniture |

This episode is brought to you by Mastery + Momentum. Mastery + Momentum is my 6-month mastermind designed for high achievers who are ready to bring success full circle in a selective, safe space that elevates your mindset and actions to achieve excellence in every facet of your life.Grounded in my signature 6-Pillar Process, Mastery + Momentum guides you through a proven framework to help you choose your path forward and inside you’ll gain exclusive access to co-created conversations with experts on living well, a virtual and in-person retreat, laser-focused training sessions with me and my hand-selected guests, unlimited Voxer support and more. To learn more and submit your application to Mastery + Momentum, visit.

Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions
And with that, let’s dig into Carmeon’s responses to our Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions.

Define Success:
“Success, for me, is having control over my yes’s and my no’s.” 

Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:
"Health. Contentment. Happiness.” 

One Book that Has Helped You Redefined Wealth For Yourself:
Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell 

Fill-in the Blanks … “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:
“My name is Carmeon Hamilton and for me the truth about wealth is, just like success, it is absolutely however you want to define it.” 

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Carmeon Hamilton: Design The Life You Desire

Carmeon Hamilton: Design The Life You Desire
Release Date
