#6 What it takes to grow a user base of 150.000 people in only 8 weeks with Ariane Murphy

Release Date:

Ariane Murphy is an OG in the Web3 space and is currently Fractional CMO at Forcefield, a Web3 agency attached to a Web3 VC Fund. She took the first Bitcoin company from the UK from private to public and is been around Web3 for about 5 years.
In this week's episode, we talk about
* What she's seeing in the marketing departments of the companies she's working with
* What marketing people should focus on in terms of industry knowledge
* What do startups struggle with and how the team at Forcefield can come in handy
* The case of a campaign they've worked on and what tactics they've used to reach 150 k users in only 8 weeks
* and last but not least, some resources for you to look into.

Get in touch:
Ariane Murphy: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arianemurphy/

#6 What it takes to grow a user base of 150.000 people in only 8 weeks with Ariane Murphy

#6 What it takes to grow a user base of 150.000 people in only 8 weeks with Ariane Murphy
Release Date
