Are Delivery Veg Sustainable?

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I recently started using a sustainable vegetable-only vegetable delivery service called On the Slope (the Japanese name of which is 坂ノ途中 saka no tochu). I love it for a number of reasons I talk about, but I started worrying recently about the food mileage I might be building up. So, I decided to dive into the question: Are delivery vegetables sustainable?

Articles/studies mentioned:
Fruits and vegetables are less nutritious than they used to be , National Geographic

Assessing the evolution of wheat grain traits during the last 166 years using archived samples, Scientific Reports

How modern food can regain its nutrients, BBC

You want to reduce the carbon footprint of your... , Our World in Data

Just how old are the 'fresh' fruits and vegetables we eat? , the Guardian

Places you can donate to earthquake relief:
Yahoo Netto Bokin
Japanese Red Cross

Are Delivery Veg Sustainable?

Are Delivery Veg Sustainable?
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