Herbalist Chanelle A. Bergeron on Healing our Relationship with the Land Through Essencing [episode 44]

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Chanelle A. Bergeron shares about tuning into the subtle language of the land and offering essences for reciprocity. You’ll also hear about: Why Chanelle left social media A lifelong relationship with water, and training to be an Olympic swimmer  Why imagination isn’t just play On what is the practice essencing ♥♥♥ Join The Earth Speak Collective Membership! Join like-hearted folks in a sacred container and community where you'll: Connect deeply to yourself, others, nature & spirit Learn to trust your intuition Activate your Earth magic Expand your healing & divination skills Put your intuition into practice in everyday life Stop feeling lonely on your spiritual path Embody & express your creative power & truths Experience safe space without agenda or judgment When you join the Collective, you get access to all of our past workshops, any live workshops happening while you're a member, live weekly energetic reset calls, monthly community rituals, all the secret episodes, member-run meetups to explore magical topics, and a lively members-only forum (that's not on FB!). ▶▶▶ Learn more and sign up for the Collective membership here: https://www.earthspeak.love/collective ***** Chanelle is a flower essence devotee, an intuitive herbalist, monitrice, poet, and sound maker. Chanelle believes that intention, ritual, and using low-doses of plant and spirit medicine offer some of the greatest impacts to our healing. Her love and study of mysticism play a large role in her work, and she weaves her divinatory practices with tarot, pendulum, and astrology to deepen her offerings. It is in the spirit of the seasons and the lunar months that Chanelle approaches her healing work: that all things wax & wane, that everything has a cycle, a pattern; that health & well-being are not stagnant but in fact change as we do, from month to month: moon by moon. When Chanelle is not in the apothecary, you will find her making improvised & atmospheric sound-collage music under the name of allesandre, playing in her gardens, submerged in the water, or writing poems. We are delighted to share that Chanelle will be teaching a workshop with us in April 2021, on Vibrational Essence Crafting: Healing Self and Earth! In this ritual workshop, we will take a dip into the world of essence crafting and essencing: the act of offering our infusions to the land as an act of devotion and reciprocity. Join us and build an intimate connection to and conversation with the Spirit of the Land you live in   In this episode, we talk about: Chanelle’s lineage of orphans On not knowing where your ancestors are from Why Chanelle left social media On being a deeply romantic person On filling your days with what lights you up Why imagination isn’t just play How we are all innately creative beings The co-opting of our imaginative power How Chanelle’s family encouraged her imagination and creative exploration On being trained from a very young age, to be an Olympian swimmer On feeling most at home within the element of water How the element of water element inspires us to dream The story of how Chanelle came to work with essences How Chanelle and her tools survived a house fire On being a devoted servant to the land Why Chanelle offers her medicine to the Earth Essences as affordable and accessible On what is the practice of essencing Being in relationship with the Spirit of Land Power with not power over Attuning to the subtle language of energy On practicing receiving Coming into relationship with the other aspects of ourselves On trusting your intuition and your imagination How a tree ally showed up for Chanelle On being led and feed by curiosity Chanelle’s upcoming workshop with Earth Speak And so much more! Secret Episodes! Get past secret episodes at https://www.earthspeak.love/secret.   Links: Join the Earth Speak Collective Membership https://www.earthspeak.love/collective Learn more about Chanelle’s offerings at www.moonbymoonapothecary.com Explore Chanelle's Instagram @moonbymoonapothecary Sign up for Chanell’s mailing list at tinyletter.com/moonbymoon Explore Chanelle’s music @mille Get the secret episodes at https://www.earthspeak.love/secret    References:  Chanelle on Dream Freedom Beauty https://www.dreamfreedombeauty.com/chanelle-a-bergeron-on-how-to-strengthen-your-intuition-through-a-grounded-flower-essence-practice-episode-119/ Björk || "The Modern Things" https://bjork.bandcamp.com/track/the-modern-things Gaeilge Lanaguage https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Gaeilge Stones and Stuff https://stonesandstuff.com/ Lughnasadh https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lughnasadh Drexel University https://drexel.edu/ Farmacy Herbs https://www.farmacyherbs.com/ Woodland Essence https://woodlandessence.com/ Animism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animism Trout Lily https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erythronium_americanum Craggy Mountains https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Craggy_Mountains Suzanne Stone https://www.moonofhyldemoer.com/  Fancy Dream Farm https://www.fancydreamfarm.com/ Wild pear https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_pear Bloodroot https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanguinaria Naomi Love https://www.wisewombmedicinepath.com/ Beside the Stream Consultations https://www.moonbymoonapothecary.com/herbal-consultations Sign up for Chanell’s mailing list https://tinyletter.com/moonbymoon Chanelle’s upcoming workshop with Earth Speak https://www.earthspeak.love/vibrational-essence-crafting     ► Leave us a written review on iTunes, and get shouted out on the show! Theme music is “It’s Easier” by Scarlet Crow http://www.scarletcrow.org/ and “Meeting Again” by Emily Sprague  https://mlesprg.info/ ► Join the Earth Speak Collective Membership at https://www.earthspeak.love/collective Follow Earth Speak on Instagram and tag us when you share @earthspeak https://www.instagram.com/earthspeak

Herbalist Chanelle A. Bergeron on Healing our Relationship with the Land Through Essencing [episode 44]

Herbalist Chanelle A. Bergeron on Healing our Relationship with the Land Through Essencing [episode 44]
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