Empathic Leadership and Coaching in Elite Sports with Dr Peter Sear (MDE551)

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Minter Dialogue with Dr Peter Sear
Dr Peter Sear is a psychologist, senior member of the Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists (ACCPH), founder of The Empathic Mindset organisation, based in the UK, and author "Empathic Leadership, Lessons from Elite Sport," published by Routledge. His book explores coaching in a number of sports, such as rugby, football, hockey and lacrosse and across a variety of countries and cultures. In this conversation, we discuss how empathic leadership has become more prevalent in sports, especially in helping to manage relationships, build trust and establish a strong line of communication. We look at the role of empathy in giving feedback, the notion of mattering and purpose for athletes, and the issue of governance and dealing with the owners. We also explore the crossovers of empathic leadership in sports into society and business, including notions of dealing with multi-cultural environments, high stress, male and female differences, as well as the immensely important challenge of developing trustworthy relationships. 
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Empathic Leadership and Coaching in Elite Sports with Dr Peter Sear (MDE551)

Empathic Leadership and Coaching in Elite Sports with Dr Peter Sear (MDE551)
Release Date
