Episode 107: Rachel Rae Drake on Paving Your Own Way, Finding the Joy in Running, and The Magic of Community

Release Date:

Rachel’s Bio:
Rachel is in the 23rd grade at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, Oregon. She spent the first 17 grades in Minnesota, originally at White Bear Lake High School and eventually the University of Minnesota. She is currently pursuing her MD/PhD focusing on fat metabolism in infants and intends to specialize in pediatrics/neonatology. Running has taken different forms throughout the years, but currently she is enjoying running with friends in wild places with Nikes on her feet and an Osprey pack on her pack. She is a proud plant mom to a fern named Milford and sensitive plant named Mims, coach, wife to a really great man and owner of beloved 1991 Toyota Previa, "Mr. B."
Questions we ask Rachel include:

Take us back to your early days! How did you get your start in distance running?

You and I were both golden gophers at the U of M (ski U mah)! What were your collegiate running days like? (college selection process; favorite running events, academic major, life outside of running)?

How did this experience set the foundation for your transition out West and getting into road/trail/ultra running?

What led you to move to Portland from Minnesota, and how have you found a running community out here?

You have hit some major milestones in your post-collegiate running career! From the USATF Mountain Running Championships to joining the Nike Pro Trail Team to qualifying & racing at the Olympic Trials, what have been a few keys to your success? Where do you hope to take things over the next year and few years?

You recently qualified and ran at the Olympic Trials -- amazing!! What was this experience like for you, from qualifying to training and racing? Any major takeaways?

What would you say is your “why” behind running?

A major part of SRC is empowering female distance runners by sharing our stories, both successes and struggles. Have you had any major challenges or obstacles in your running career (that you feel comfortable sharing) and if so, how have those shaped you, both as a runner and as a person?

As a coach with Trails & Tarmac, what is your process like for coaching athletes & what are some major lessons, running philosophy, and/or training principles you like to share with your athletes?

In light of all that is happening in the world, how do you find the silver lining?

Looking back, what advice would you give to your younger self?

What does being a Strong Runner Chick mean to you?

Any final shout-outs, sponsors, ways that our listeners can connect with you?

Connect with Rachel:
@RachRaeDrake on Instagram
Website: UltraSideHustle
Shout-outs to Nike Trail Team, Osprey, Spring Energy, and so many others!


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Episode 107: Rachel Rae Drake on Paving Your Own Way, Finding the Joy in Running, and The Magic of Community

Episode 107: Rachel Rae Drake on Paving Your Own Way, Finding the Joy in Running, and The Magic of Community
Release Date
