Using Cannflavinsto Mitigate Motor Neuron Disease with Akeem Gardner

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Akeem Gardner is the Founder and CEO of Canurta. He is an innovative entrepreneur with over five years of experience in industrial hemp enterprises. He has a proven track record in leading high-performance teams that work across multi-channel platforms and strategically aligning profitability with sustainability and economic development in Ontario.

At CannMed 24 Akeem will present Effect of Cannflavins on Mitigating a Motor Neuron Disease.

During our conversation we discuss:

The minor molecules found in cannabis that Canurta is investigating for therapeutics

Canurta’s process for evaluating indications for cannflavins and polyphenols

How the diverse molecules in cannabis make it a great therapeutic for multifactoral diseases like ALS

The potential for cannflavins and polyphenols may be used as a anti-inflammatory nutraceutical

and more

Thanks to This Episode's Sponsor: American Cannabis Nurses Association

ACNA is a national nursing organization whose mission is to advance excellence in cannabis nursing practice through advocacy, collaboration, education, research, and policy development. Founded in 2010, ACNA continues to work on providing its members with up-to-date cannabis information and resources to care for patients who use cannabis.

Join them today at and be a part of the change.

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Using Cannflavinsto Mitigate Motor Neuron Disease with Akeem Gardner

Using Cannflavinsto Mitigate Motor Neuron Disease with Akeem Gardner
Release Date
